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Thursday, September 1, 2011

August 30-Our last day together

After a great night's sleep for the both of us, FINALLY! No more driving!
I spend the day sorting through all my things to decide what I was going to bring home on my bike. I am very limited to space, so I had to be choosy. I have 2 saddle bags and a book bag. 

Once I was done, Fred and I took a walk. You can't go to grandma's without taking a walk. 
Listening to all that nature has to offer. The wildlife, the streams and the bugs
They don't call the community Fawn Lake Forrest for no reason
Can you see the deer?

How about now?

Every time we looked into the woods, we could see another deer 

And another! They camouflage so well. There was 6 that we saw and I'm sure many more

Before the trip, Mom sent some gifts and $100 for the trip. I was waiting for the perfect opportunity to splurge. Today was the day! 
Fred and I went to a fancy restaurant in town called Falls Port Inn.
We started with the Romaine Heart salad topped with crumbled Bleu Cheese, bacon, onion and cherry tomatoes with homemade Bleu Cheese dressing
Fred had Steak Forestiere which was rare pieces of steak served over linguine in a brown sauce
I had Sesame Seed Encrusted Ahi Tuna served over Lobster Risotto, Seaweed Salad and Wasabi Cream Drizzle.
It was the perfect meal to the BEST trip EVER!!!
Thanks MOM!

We went home, played some cribbage and decided to make popcorn
At Wall Drugs in South Dakota, remember I bought a whole bag of goodies? 
Well, this was one of them. It's popcorn on the cob. 

You place the cobb in the bag provided and pop it in the microwave

Some of the kernels stay popped on the cobb.
The popcorn was so delicious! Better than any bagged popcorn out there. 
It had a texture like we've never tasted before.
Where can I get more? 

Have you've ever eaten popcorn off the cobb? 
I have! It's delicious!

It was about 9:30pm. My plan was to leave in the early am to beat the NY rush hour traffic. I wasn't tired, so I decided to gear up and get on my way. Only 166 miles to go to the end of my journey
I was packed to the edges of each bag. I was hoping nothing popped on the ride home. 
I made it! 2am my journey came to an end. 

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