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Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28-Leave Granger, Indiana drive to Mercer, Pennsylvania

I didn't have a very good night's sleep. My body, like my gear has been slowly wearing down. As I was taking my shower it hit! A massive shooting pain down my leg. OOHHHHH. Not good. I came back to the camper to ANOTHER breakfast cooked by Freddie. Mmmmm it was delicious. As I sat eating, the pain that had gone away a little had come back with a vengeance! It put me in tears. I rolled on my foam for about 35 minutes and did some yoga moves which made me feel much better.

You guys can still tease me about it, but I now know for sure that I have to eat healthy (when I eat sugar and processed foods, it causes pain, I'm very sensitive to poison in my body). I don't know what it does, but I have to keep doing yoga, it really is a miracle!  And I have to get enough sleep every night. Yes, I'm an old lady, I know it. LOL!

After my little breakdown, we were ready for the trip to PA! We have spoken about it and we are in no way, shape or form excited that the trip is coming to an end. We are still smiling and laughing and still like each other, BUT we are looking forward to getting to Grandma's tomorrow so we don't have to drive anymore. I will spend a day or two there depending on what's happening on Long Island with the big storm. I spoke to a few people today and they said the storm wasn't as bad as they were predicting but there is flooding, trees down and some power outages. I figure there's no rush to get back to that when I can stay in PA and feed the deer from the porch and relax!

At one of our gas stops I attracted another trucker who drives from Michigan (where he lives) to Maryland every other day. He agreed, Chicago traffic is terrible. He asked if it's just as bad as NYC. I told him it is a close second, but NYC definitely has Chicago beat.

The scenery is getting to be the same. Corn fields, hay fields, trees and a body of water every once in a while. Although the roads are getting worse and worse. Why do they put speed bumps in the middle of the roads? As we started paying tolls, the traffic increased, the speed limit decreased and the roads are not taken care of!  My pain is getting worse as the miles continue to build up. It will be good to get back into my routine, sleep and yoga! And Fred is looking forward to relaxing at Grandma's.

We arrived at Mercer, PA in the light! We had a nice dinner, walked up to the store to look around and we are now relaxing. I'm going to get to bed as it is now 10:15! Where does the time go? Tomorrow Fred's trip will come to an end and I will get to relax until the journey back to LI in a few days.

Aug 27-Leave Iowa drove 375 miles to Granger, Indiana

Today we left Iowa with lots and lots and lots of corn fields! There was even a corn field as we drove into the campground. It seemed like everybody's front lawn is a corn field, no grass, corn.
Fred cooked breakfast again!
We are now on our way to Granger, Indiana. It's a 375 mile ride, a walk in the park for us!
As we rode our first 125 miles, I was talking to Tim and the left speaker of my NEW communication system blew out. We are really wearing things out on this trip. Fred's camper and all my gear!

At the first stop I switched my communication device with Fred's. He's not going to need it until we get back to PA when he hops back on the scooter to ride into town

At this stop I also successfully completed my 4th oil change. 
Fred had to help me with the oil filter again. When it's hot, it's VERY tight!
I attracted a trucker from Boone, NC who had a very thick mountain accent. It's a good thing I've spent a lot of time with Alyssa, I was able to translate enough to have a conversation with him

We drove and rode and drove and rode until we hit over an hour and a half of traffic getting around Chicago, Illinois AGAIN! The last time we were near Chicago we hit traffic and I got caught in that nasty rain storm where I ended up with puddles in my jacket elbows and soaked my phone, which still isn't working. I've had it sitting in rice for the past few weeks and that trick didn't bring it back to life.

 After the traffic, we drove and rode and drove and rode and lost another hour, as we are back into the eastern time zone, and the condition of the roads are terrible!!! I'm not talking about construction, it's the lack of construction in Indiana! OMG!!! It feels like they dropped speed bumps in the road. I'll hit one and get bounced in my seat then another just as I adjust and then ANOTHER bump comes and throws me around. It's horrendous!!!! Not to mention the wind here is bad as well. BUT as bad as the roads and the wind are, it's NOT raining. So I'm looking at the bright side. It's sunny, warm, I'm not at work and I'm having an awesome trip!!!! 

We drove a little further until we finally reached Granger, Indiana. We can't seem to get to the campgrounds during the day anymore.

I couldn't wait to get my gear off, lay down and get some rest!
Fred felt the same way!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Aug 26-Leave Gunthenburg, NE drive 411 miles to Newton, Iowa

Today started out mighty fine. Fred and I slept well. That's always a good thing!
When I came back from taking a much needed shower, Fred had made breakfast! I could definitely get used to that. I've been spoiling him on this trip by making most of our delicious meals

Then we looked at the weather map and it looked grim, for me. It appeared as if we were going to be driving right through a pretty bad storm in Omaha, NE. I dressed in my rain gear and we started off for our destination of the day...Iowa.

Iowa is like South Dakota but without the nasty wind
There are corn fields everywhere!

I would look out at the scenery and think "Wow, those are nicely manicured lawns" then as I looked more closely, it is rows and rows and rows of corn

There are over 1000 farms in Iowa

Look at all that corn
A memorial

That is ALL corn

The top of a bridge we went over at one of our many gas stops

Look at how nice the rows of corn are

They just don't stop!

You know what happens when you see windmill farms?
WIND!!! It's not as bad as Wyoming and we have somehow skirted all the storms on the weather map, so I'm VERY happy with a little bit of wind :-)

What are they going to do with it all?
Here's your answer...they put it in the gas
We have found out that this gives us VERY BAD gas mileage

My motorcycle gear is getting a good workout!
These were my rain pants. As you can see they ripped on both legs!
I'll have to replace these ASAP since I'm heading EAST and there are many many storms lurking

My boot is ripping

My helmet is falling apart
Remember the new gloves I was all excited about replacing from the "Time Warp" in Wendover, 
well...the rubber from the forefinger has already fallen off
My rear tire is showing major signs of wear. 
This is what an awesome trip will do to your gear 
It's totally worth it!

Don't even get me started on the camper. I may need to buy new gear, YUCK, I have to start shopping, BUT Fred has a lot of work to do on the camper. The stairs no longer come out, the fire alarm won't stay up, water pump is not working, install a door for the hose (my request), put hooks up everywhere (another request by me), new hubcaps (remember he's leaving them all over the country)

I'm sure our lists will continue, hopefully nothing that needs immediate attention before we get back.

Be safe and stock up on water! Toilets need to be flushed. LOL
It's hitting North Carolina as we type this up tonight and will be heading up the coast towards NY. We hope for everyone's sake it's not going to be as bad as the "always correct" weather people are predicting.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aug 25- Leave Wyoming and drive 514 miles to Gothenburg, Nebraska

Remember how much I HATED Wyoming last week? I went to bed last night and woke up this morning thinking Wyoming is not that bad. The temperature was nice and the wind was normal. This place isn't so bad after all.
Our plan is to drive 514 miles to get to Nebraska AND cross over ANOTHER time zone.

That sign says Brides may be icy

When you see these fences, you know this is a place of HIGH wind and LOTS of snow

The amount of land without construction is so nice to see

At about 400 miles into the trip we stopped at the Buford Trading Post
Burford has been put on the map as the nations smallest town 
Welcome to Buford, Wyoming, Population 1!    This tiny town has two big claims to fame.  First,with a population of only 1 person, Buford is the nation’s smallest town.  Sitting at 8,000 feet, Buford is also the highest town in elevation on Interstate 80, the main cross-country route between New York and San Francisco. 

This is the only person who lives in Buford, Don
He moved here 30 years ago with his wife, she passed away 20 years ago
The population was 2, Don and his son until his son said "Dad, I'm moving, There's not enough women  here." To which Don replied "Son, there are NO women here, I've looked"

Not too long prior to this stop, I decided I still HATE Wyoming. 
The wind is wickedly wild here!
I spoke with a local at the Buford trading post who said the wind wasn't even bad today. He told me I should come back when you have to lean your bike so much that the side scrapes on the road!
This is the second time I've heard this about Wyoming. 
Maybe, just maybe Nebraska will not be as bad.

FINALLY out of Windy Wyoming and into Nebraska!

Not too much to see but land

Oh look, something does grow here. 

Corn fields. 
Look at how nice the rows of corn look

We made it to a gas station in North Platte, Nebraska. When I was getting gas
I knew I was a long way from home when I saw Alpaca's being trailered 
This picture says it all

We finally arrive at our destination for the night, in the night, Gothenburg, Nebraska
After checking in at the office, I came out to my bike to find a hitch hiker.
This campground is really nice. There is a lot of wild life around
Not only hitch hikers, but tons of frogs everywhere! This one was a little camera shy.
On my way to the bathroom, I have to walk through a line of frogs jumping everywhere. It's really cool. 
BUT, why is the women's bathroom always around back. It's very woodsy here and it freaks me out as I turn the corner and go into the deserted bathroom. 

I made it back safe and it's time for bed. We have another long ride ahead of tomorrow. 
We are planning 411 miles to our next destination in Iowa. 

This is the reason for all the wildlife. There is what Fred and I think is a very nice river that flows on the outskirts of the campground

The owner doesn't like it too much. It has caused 7 floods in the past 10 years. They actually just recently reopened for business due to the last flood. He said he's dug trenches but it seems to still find another way in. The campground is just too nice, even the water wants to stay there. LOL

Aug 24-Happy Birthday Tim! We leave Nevada and head to Rock Springs, Wyoming

Happy Birthday to my brother, Tim!
After feeling like a real trucker, taking a shower at the gas station, it is time for oil change number three
But not before I eat breakfast that Fred cooked. For the first time on this trip, I know how Fred feels. I can get used to having breakfast cooked and served every morning.
I moved my bike close to the camper so there wouldn't be any problems
Look no oil!
I got the crusher washer to come off with the bolt and took the bolt out without getting oil all over me. 
I'm really becoming a pro at this

Look at how nice and clean I stayed this time
The dirtiest I got was when Fred decided to pour oil all over my hands when we were putting in the new clean oil.

Our plan today is to drive 430 miles from Nevada THROUGH Utah!
Neither Fred nor I like Utah, we want to get out as soon as possible.
It's SOOOO hot and flat and it'll make you crazy!

Look at these next few pictures. I swear I did nothing to them

The road was flat!
See even in pictures Utah will make you go nuts!

This is the same truck from the last picture
This truck's trailer was totally white. Where did that picture come from
Look at the road. I swear to you, it was totally flat.
Anybody who has ever been to Utah on I-80 can attest to this

I don't know if I caught it, but when I was looking at these mountains, they appeared to be floating on water that CLEARLY did not exist in front of them
And it wasn't curved

Here's a better picture, there is no water in front on the mountains, but it looked like there was
Utah will make you go crazy! And you guys all know I'm ALREADY crazy, I don't need any additional help in that department. LOL

This is the Utah Tree
As people drive down I-80 and try not to go crazy!
Out of nowhere appears this tree

An abstract artistic sculpture called Metaphor: The Tree of Utah stands of the edge of I-80 on the barrenBonneville Salt Flats west of Salt Lake City.
Swedish artist Karl Momen created the 87-foot high tree between 1982-1986. He financed the project himself to bring bold color and beauty to the stark, flat, salty landscape. The sculpture is made of 225 tons of cement, almost 2,000 ceramic tiles and five tons of welding rod, and tons of minerals and rocks native to Utah.
Also called the "Tree of Life," the sculpture is located on the north side of I-80 about 95 miles west of Salt Lake City (25 miles east of Wendover). The location is interesting because the harsh environment here hindered many travelers in pioneer times. Members of the ill-fated Donner Party were tragically delayed in this area before their awful demise in the Sierra Nevada mountains. During WWII, the crew of the Enola Gay practiced bombing runs over the Great Salt Lake Desert before proceeding to Hiroshima to end the war.

As we pulled off I-80 to get gas at the gas station in Delle, Ut I witnessed ANOTHER one of Fred's hubcaps gently rolling off his tire and into the grassy area. 
I just giggled this time remembering Fred said he was going to get a new set, so this is another less cap he has to remove.

A lovely dragonfly decided to join us for lunch

Utah can be beautiful! 
I can't get over the mountains

They still look so fake!

They didn't want to build the road over the mountains, so we are going through them

We are almost out of the mountains!

I still cannot get over how surreal the mountains in the background look.
It really looks like someone painted them and is about to take a picture
They really look fake, even in person

The Great Salt lake
Oh, and LOOK my finger makes another appearance :-)

Again, it's over 100 degrees today and the road nor the lake are curved.

One last look at the Great Salt Lake where you cannot drown

The view is spectacular
We must be getting to the Wyoming border, I'm starting to see signs of life

We made it to Rock Springs, Wyoming
 We crossed over a time zone, we are now only 2 hours behind you
Time for bed, we are planning a 514 mile ride tomorrow.
Good night