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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Aug 18th Leave Wendover, NV (the time warp) drive to Reno, NV

Hey there! Today we drove 408 miles from Wendover, NV to Reno, NV. As we were leaving I realized I lost ONE of my favorite riding gloves. :-(   I'll have to find a new pair and you all know how much I love to shop!

Can you see the difference in color? 
From riding in this ridiculous heat, I have been wearing minimum clothing. From Utah to Wendover I was only wearing underwear under the mesh pants I borrowed from Larry (thank you so much!) and a tank top under my mesh jacket. I've also been riding without gloves (I know that's not good to do but I'm going to pass out from the heat) and my hands are getting tan. LOL.
It looks silly, but no worry! I'll be white again before I know it.

At the first gas stop, we realized we forgot the piece of wood we have been lugging in and out of the camper for the scooter. We haven't even used it but it was a good piece of wood. Wendover was not only a time warp but it is like a washing machine, things disappear into "thick, hot" air. LOL

At the rest stop, my neck was killing me! I really need to see the best massage therapist in the world, Nelson! And get adjusted by the best chiro, Dr. Furno. But they are 3000 miles away. What am I going to do? It's really bothering me today. I have been experiencing tinnitus for the past few days. I thought it was from the wind whistling past my ears and listening to my music too loud in my helmet, but I know now it was a sign that my neck is out of alignment.  I laid and rolled on my foam roller, took some ibuprofen and it seems to be better! I have to be diligent with this for the next week so I can make it back home.

While I was rolling around, Fred decided this would be a good time to check the air in his tires. He came in and needed a screwdriver to get the hubcaps off. They seemed to be on there just fine. The air was all good!

This was Fred's worst driving day of the trip. His phone stopped working, there was a lot of traffic, tons of road work, he kept forgetting to get off at the exits we discussed for gas and shopping and when we got off he seemed confuuuuuused! LOL. We decided to stop at an AT&T store, so we could find out what was wrong with his phone and of course before we got there, the phone started working again, on it's own. Maybe it came out of the "time warp" we call Wendover.  We went to the store anyway and the worker did everything we did: take out the battery, turn the phone off/on, you know the usual routine. He did change the sim card but could not explain why the phone stopped working temporarily. I'm trying to convince Fred to step up into the new digital world and get the iphone. He will love it!!!!
Helmet cam

At this point, I had found a yoga studio in Reno. Fred and I separated for the first time during this trip. He continued to the campground in Boomtown, NV where he ran into more problems. He was having one of those days. He took, let's call it the "scenic" route to get to the campground, as per his GPS. He arrived at a fence and a sign that said "Private Road, We Have Guns" He had to backup and turn around. (You see if he had the iphone, this wouldn't have happened) He went back to Exit 4 like mapquest and MY iphone said! When he arrived at the campground he found out the office closed at 4pm. What office closes so early?!?!?! The spot they assigned us was almost the furthest spot from the bathrooms as possible and don't think the place was filled AT ALL!  The campground was paved but NOT graded, so he had to use blocks of wood to get the camper level. Then he tried to empty the dirty water tanks and got it all over himself. Then he couldn't get on the internet.  It was one bad experience after another and I wasn't there to help cheer him up.

I on the other hand, found and arrived at the yoga studio early. I changed, had a lot of time to warm up and had a pretty good class. Not one of my best, but it wasn't because of the instructor, Susanna, she was great and the heat was near perfect for me. After class I spoke with, Susanna. She gave me great directions to get to Lake Tahoe the next day and to eat at El Sancho's and get fish tacos.

Reno, NV 
Yoga again!!!
My legs are still killing me from SLC. LOL
It's the good kind of hurt 

I proceeded to ride to the campground which I found with no problem. I found the road to be paved, which I LOVE because most campgrounds are gravel and loose gravel at that. Anyone who rides, knows that riding on gravel is like walking on ice. NOT FUN!!! And Fred had everything set up. I felt amazing, took a shower and off to bed we went.

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