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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aug 23-Leave San Francisco heading to JELLY BELLY FACTORY

Today we are leaving San Francisco and heading "EAST". We've decided not to call it heading home, because that means the trip is over and with 3000 miles to go our journey is FAR from over. 

After the San Francisco tour we were asking the best place to view the Redwood Trees. There was another couple there inquiring about the Jelly Belly Factory. We listened and learned it was right off I-80
We have to pass it on our way back "EAST", so we decided we HAD to stop and pay a visit.
Our last breakfast before heading "EAST"

Good bye Pentaluma, CA

Ta Ta for now

We stopped at the Honda shop where I bought 3 oil filters and can you believe it, they had the exact same gloves I lost between Utah to Wendover.
I am now all set to complete the next few oil changes on the long journey ahead of us.
I don't know why I didn't do this a long time ago. I guess I was just excited to be on the road and doing my own oil changes.

Remember I was telling you about coming over the bridge on our way to the campground in Petaluma, Ca and the wind was blowing SO BAD I thought I was going to get tossed over? 
This is it! Look it's in the back left corner of the picture

Here's a better view. Doesn't it look like a roller coaster. I actually had butterflies in my stomach going over it on our way West. Today, the weather is nice and I'm not having thoughts of my cremation LOL
This is what it looks like riding down the bridge
We arrive at the Jelly Belly Factory
It was only 50 miles 
I learned today that Fred and I both LOVE candy corn!

Ronal Regan was all over the factory.  He helped advertise Jelly Belly. 
When he was in office, he used specifically Jelly Belly jelly beans to help him quit smoking. He said "No major decision to could be made without a handful of jelly beans." There was even a special jar made for Air Force One so they wouldn't spill in flight.
This is what sparked the creation of the flavor blueberry, so they could make a red, white and blue mixture.

Jelly Belly jelly beans are the only jellybeans to be flavored throughout the whole bean instead of just flavoring the shell

They are everywhere!

Jelly Belly started out with Herman Goelitz's purchase of a confection store which went bankrupt with just about everything else during the Great Depression. After this hardship, his two sons decided to open up another candy store and eventually with the help of their sister's husband, the Jelly Belly jellybean was created

Getting ready to enter the factory
We have our official hats and all!

Fred with our free bag of Jelly Belly jellybeans after the tour
I didn't buy a bag of my favorite flavor, bubble gum, but I did eat my whole bag before we departed the factory in the parking lot. I just can't control myself when it comes to sweets.

Look it's a picture of San Francsico made of Jelly Belly jellybeans
We were just there!

It's time to get back on the road. 
Fred is going to lead the pack with the Jelly Belly car
Vroooom Vroooom!

After driving 400 miles, even after the Factory Tour, we are almost at our destination in Nevada
We are going to stay at an RV park at a the Flying J which is a trucker gas station popular everywhere but NY
Look at the sunset

So Beautiful!

We arrived at the RV campground at the trucker gas station
Fred was the most exhausted I've ever seen him, he will sleep good tonight
He keep talking about getting a hotel room tomorrow night.
I told him he can sleep in the hotel room and turn down the temp and I'll stay in the camper where it's warm. LOL

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